Coriander Kosher Organic Fresh Spice Middle Eastern Seasoning Cook Blend F&F
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Ground coriander is one of the sweeter spices out there, which is odd considering the leaf of the coriander plant – what we call cilantro – is often called spicy and herbal. It is often described as sweet and floral with hints of white pepper and Navel orange. You might call it cultivated, both in agricultural and worldly senses. The flavors make coriander powder a popular spice across all oceans, from Portugal to Mexico, to India. Ground coriander powder goes stale quickly so use it within six months and, as with all spices, store in an airtight container in a dark and dry space. Any baker would be livid without ground coriander to add to pumpkin pies, sweet potato pancakes, apple cakes, spice cookies, homemade granola, or kugel.
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