Golden Berries 1500gr
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Golden berries are bright, orange-colored fruits that are closely related to the tomatillo. Like tomatillos, they are wrapped in a papery husk called a calyx that must be removed before eating.
Slightly smaller than cherry tomatoes, these fruits have a sweet, tropical taste somewhat reminiscent of pineapple and mango. Many people enjoy their juicy pop of flavor as a snack or in salads, sauces and jams.
Golden berries are also known as Inca berry, Peruvian groundcherry, poha berry, goldenberry, husk cherry and cape gooseberry.
They belong to the nightshade family and grow in warm places around the world.
Golden berries boast an impressive amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber Golden berries may have several benefits for your health. They are high in antioxidants, exhibit anti-inflammatory effects and may boost bone health and vision.
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